Things Overheard This Week, Episode 18

It’s been an eventful week over here. Wait, do I say that every Sunday? I think I do. I guess it’s called “having kids.” Anyway, this week marked the beginning of baby C getting his first molar in. Who knows how long this fresh hell will last? I also managed to come down with mastitis, of all things. My baby is almost a year old, and I get mastitis now?? THANKS, BREASTS. So that knocked me out for a few days, but thank god for the discovery of penicillin! I’m right as rain now, thankfully.

I’m in the midst of a solo-parenting run, right now. The Husband is away for 6 days, but it feels almost like a vacation currently, thanks to one set of grandparents taking the Threenager for a few nights, to help ease the load. I was relieved when they offered, but of course I’ve thought about her constantly since she’s been gone. That’s how it goes, doesn’t it? Anyway, this week’s things overheard seem to mostly star the Husband and/or the Threenager:

*On the subway with her dad, the Threenager spots a man nearby with a long, Santa Claus-style beard*

The Threenager, at the top of her lungs and pointing: HAHA, A BIG BEARD!!!
Man with beard: … *turns red*
The Husband: …*smiles weakly, also turns red*

Me: I came up with a really funny one-liner!
The Husband, not looking up: *tapping away at his computer*
The Husband, finally looking up at me: Can I just..finish typing this thing?
Me: Yeah yeah…
The Husband: *finally looks up expectantly*
Me: Okay, “Molars are the assholes of the teething world!” …get it?
The Husband: *looking at me, expressionless*
Me: Not that funny, eh?
The Husband: …*purses lips*
Me: Well it got lots of “likes” on Facebook!!

The Threenager, while jumping on our bed: Hop, jump, leak little froggy! Leak, leak, leak little froggy! Hop, jump, leak little froggy! Leak, leak, leak little froggy! (and so on)

The Husband: I can’t tell if you’re doing this on purpose, to get out of loading the dishwasher, or if you just really suck at loading the top rack. Either way, please stop.
Me: HAHAHAHA. Sorry sweetie, I just suck.

Happy Sunday!


7 thoughts on “Things Overheard This Week, Episode 18

  1. staci says:

    My favorite – The Husband: I can’t tell if you’re doing this on purpose, to get out of loading the dishwasher, or if you just really suck at loading the top rack. Either way, please stop.
    Me: HAHAHAHA. Sorry sweetie, I just suck.

    I won’t let anyone else load the dishwasher.

    Liked by 1 person

Please. Tell me I'm not the only one.